What Makes the Difference?

One of my favorite movies is It’s a Wonderful Life. I know I’m not alone in this since it is considered the number one Christmas movie of all time. Like George Bailey, I sometimes question the difference my life makes. And is there really any distinction between a life lived in faith and a life with no faith?

Since I was a small child, I have been a Christ follower so I have no idea what my life would have been without that faith. I would like to be able to peek at the life I would have lived without my faith in Christ but I am smart enough not to want to actually experience it. I know the story written of Scrooge and what he saw was scary! Unlike the fictional Scrooge or George Bailey character, we don’t have this opportunity to go back and see what could have been. 

The song Thank God, I Do by Lauren Daigle addresses the same sentiment.

I believe this passage that the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth gives us an understanding of life with and without faith in Christ. 

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

2 Corinthians 4:7-9 NIV

Those with faith in God go through the same trouble as everybody else. We deal with opposition, slander, anxiety, suicide, depression, loss, tension, misunderstanding, and oppression just like those who do not have faith. Many Christians have been and are being tortured to their death. So what is the difference, pray tell? 

With faith we have hope. Hope in the promises of God. One of his promises was that he would send us each the Holy Spirit to live our life with us. This Spirit is with us when we wake up, go to sleep and in all the boring stuff like washing dishes or taking out the trash. He is with us throughout this trek on earth. He speaks wisdom to our hearts and he points direction. It is our choice to listen and follow. No matter what scary moments this life on earth dish out, he is with us. When we tap into this power, we realize we are never abandoned and our spirit cannot be destroyed. We have hope in God’s promises of ultimate rescue when others go through this scary life without that hope. 

And he gives us love. It is the difference maker. Love is what helps us identify other Christians and know that we are not alone. God is love. And when we see love from a stranger or a friend we know we are seeing the fingerprint of God. God is the author of love. Without God, there would be no such thing as compassion, kindness,  patience, goodness, self-control, gentleness, peace and joy. When you meet a someone who has these expressions of love in their life, you are looking at a fellow child of God. Pay attention. Take note. Notice when you see these virtues. It will point you to a sister or brother in Christ who listens to the spirit within. (And the reverse is also true 😏, just saying.) 

Know that all people will suffer injustice and loss. This life is hard for all of us. But the difference for those of us with faith is that we will never be abandoned and our soul will never be destroyed. We know from the promise of Jesus that this life is short and there will be a next life. This promise gives us peace in our hearts when the world around us may be falling apart. We know that the next life will be beautiful, satisfying and joyful. It is our treasure. This treasure is hope in the face of hopelessness and it makes all the difference. 

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