Things I’m Liking

Podcasts, Music, Books, Articles or Blogs

Hello ya’ll! I love to share the discoveries I have found so I made this page to do just that. Here are some links to some things that I found hopeful and helpful.

Daily Devotionals

Here is a daily devotional that I have read regularly and it never fails to teach me something new.


Podcasts are an easy way to change my midset while walking my dog. Here is my current favorite.

Non-Fiction Books

This category is big for me! It is so hard to pick just one. This book is not only life-changing, it is easy to read.

Fiction Books

I believe that there is more truth to be found in some fiction books than many non-fiction books. Here is a good one.

Book Studies

This is a fantastic book study that has flown under the radar. It addresses the penchant that we have to work hard rather than trust God.


I love all kinds of music. But my latest music to fall in love with is Jennifer Thomas’ Illumination.

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