Table of Contents

  • Educators: The Eyes of Little Texans are Upon You

    Recently I visited the Holocaust museum in Dallas. Honestly, I did it just to see the Stephen Spielberg engineered hologram of concentration camp survivors. I was not disappointed.…

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    4 min read

  • G-Rated Prayers

    Pain happens in all of our hearts. Some days you wake up to a gnawing feeling that things are all wrong. Then you have to deal with it.…

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    4 min read

  • Keys, Phone, Wallet and Puppies

    I have nightmares about forgetting appointments and arriving late. Along with that goes my fear of Alzheimer’s. Forgetfulness is one of my biggest sources of anxiety. It comes…

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    4 min read

  • What I Learned From My Students

    I don’t know if you have ever had the opportunity to work with special needs children but it is an experience that I highly recommend. My experience began…

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    4 min read

  • A Poster-Child for Atheism

    Many Christians like to wear t-shirts proclaiming who they are. I do not. But my reasons for this are not noble. Here is what goes through my judgmental…

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    4 min read

  • Christian Educators, Pray!

    If the Rapture were to be tonight, I believe tomorrow there would be scarcely a handful of teachers left in public schools. Yet, daily we are labeled as…

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    4 min read