🎶Hold on Loosely🎶
In church last Sunday I heard this quote and it resonated with me. In fact, so much so that I can’t get it off of my mind. So,…
4 min read
Keeping Our Eyes on the Ball
There are so many life lessons we can learn from sports. The applications are limitless and I don’t think that is a coincidence. While playing a game of…
4 min read
Creation’s Pathway to the Creator
If we seek we will find, even without a concordance, commentary and three versions of the Bible.
4 min read
Saving Time by Slowing Down
Crash! A gajillion pieces of glass are all over my floor and in my flip flops. While jumping into the massive undesirable task of dusting all my glassware…
4 min read
Hope for the Hopeless
I have no idea why you would go to hell in a handbasket. I could Google that but I’m pretty sure this is one of those old sayings…
4 min read
Preparation, Preparation, Preparation
Is it easier to trust God when you are living in abundance or when you are living in poverty? The obvious answer is that it is easier to…
4 min read