Skibidi Ohio and Doo Wop
I once heard a story of Oprah that said she quit following the Christian faith when she read scripture that said God is a jealous God. She said…
4 min read
John Wayne and Taylor Swift
While some folks idolize Taylor Swift, this week I found that I idolized C.S. Lewis. Yes, I’m weird. While reading a book that shows the human side of…
4 min read
Looks Like Somebody Prayed
When people say, “All we can do is pray” it bothers me. It is the best thing and the first thing we should do, not the last. What…
4 min read
Trussst Me 🐍
Growing up in the USA in the 60’s and 70’s, I learned to trust my safety to society around me. It seemed like roads, cars, healthcare, government, law…
4 min read
All Sheep
I am a sheep just like everyone else on the evening news.
4 min read
Answered Prayer
As a young Christian in the ‘70s, I spent a lot of my prayer life asking for world peace. I believe God will answer that prayer well past…
4 min read